Think you know how (and why) work works? Unlikely, you’ll understand, when you take a quick closeup of the myths that plague modern employment and how to set them right for good.
Day after day, year after year, I’ve strived to always do more. In school when I was assigned a paper on an “ism” I wrote it on “Moreism.” My first book was titled, Learn More Now. I’ve not aspired for
Our lack of sleep deprives us of the capacity to excel. There was a time I chose to sleep only a few hours a night. I commuted between continents for months and then from the East Coast to West Coast
Perhaps the reason only 7% of engineers are women is because rather than persevering, we interpret early failures to mean we need to change our interests to increase the likelihood we’ll succeed. A new book, Rosie Revere, Engineer, can offer girls another way.
“Are you a people person?” “If you were an animal, which would you be?” Have you heard these dumb dumb questions asked on the road to hiring smart people? How often do we use stereotypes and silly interview questions to
In 2009, Coca Cola set out to refresh the way soda was dispensed at restaurants such as McDonalds and Moe’s. It aimed to put choice in customers’ hands. It intended to empower its customer with the act of artistry. Designed
I just re-read something Garry Ridge, CEO of the WD-40 Company, wrote for my book Creating a Learning Culture. As a leader, I have always intuitively understood that it’s not my job to make people comfortable. And I don’t like