Browse through this directory of my recommended blog posts and tutorials to help you master social business and issues related to social learning. Find all of my published content in the publications list.
Introductions to Misunderstood Topics
Curiosity comes from understanding enough about a field to want to learn more yourself. Here are a bunch of backgrounders to help you understand some learning-related topics.
Informal Learning
Even though most of what is written about learning and education are about formal (organized, scheduled, and directed) learning, people learn far more through informal means. Often, the most valuable learning takes place serendipitously, by random chance. This introduction will help you recognize where learning is already taking place and how you might be able to get more from what you are already doing in order to learn.
Experiential Learning
We take in information through our senses, but we ultimately learn by doing, and then reflecting on the experiences that we’ve had. This backgrounder offers an introduction to the field of experiential education and resources where you can learn more.
How Adults Learn
This introduction helps you become acquainted with adult learning theory and where to find additional resources where you can learn more about how adults learn. Also, you can learn aboutĀ andragogy & pedagogy, learning styles, motivation styles, as well as educational psychology.
A Few of My Books
The New Social Learning: A Guide to Transforming Your Organization Through Social Media with Tony Bingham, forward by Daniel H. Pink. Berrett-Koehler/ASTD, September 2010. Also onĀ Kindle. Read an excerpt (PDF). Social media has the potential to revolutionize workplace learning. People have always learned best from one another. Social media enables this to happen unrestricted by physical location and in all kinds of extraordinarily creative ways. The New Social Learning is the most authoritative guide available to leveraging these powerful new technologies.
Creating a Learning Culture: Strategy, Technology, and Practice (with Jim Clawson, forward by Douglas K. Smith). Cambridge University Press 2004. What if everyone in the world around you were learning all of the time, getting better at getting better, and feeling more fulfilled because of their endless potential to grow and create? You’d be living in a learning culture.