Pop Music Good for Studies

Music Infinity

Are you listening to music while you read this? The new app, Coffitivity, reminded me how much I prefer music to coffee shop chatter and airport terminal clatter (although I admit to having creative bursts with both in the background). That’s why I was delighted to find this short passage. What do you listen to when you study or work?

Studying to loud pop music may help children in school. At least that’s what British researchers found when they divided 11,000 children into three groups to listen to a pop radio station, classical music, and a discussion program.

On IQ tests, the kids listening to Top 40 music came out with scores 4 percent higher than the other groups’. “I think this is an emotional effect,” said researcher Susan Hallam of London’s Institute of Education. “The children enjoyed [the pop tunes] and were motivated.

(From the essential Hip Mama: writing from the cutting edge of parenting, ariel gore)

Much more from Sue Hallam on “The Power of Music.” (.pdf)

Pop Music Good for Studies
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