Perhaps the reason only 7% of engineers are women is because rather than persevering, we interpret early failures to mean we need to change our interests to increase the likelihood we’ll succeed. A new book, Rosie Revere, Engineer, can offer girls another way.
Ten Skills for the Future Workforce
Sense-making, social intelligence, novel & adaptive thinking, cross-cultural competency, computational thinking, new-media literacy, transdisciplarity, design mindset, cognitive load management, virtual collaboration. These are the 10 skills needed for the workplace by 2020.
People-Centered Learning: An Interview With Judee Humburg
At the heart of my work is the deep belief software should work for people, not the other way around. This leads to the door of my dear friend Judee Humburg. We began working together over a decade ago. In
Where Social Learning Thrives
To benefit from social learning, build a culture that makes learning fun, productive and commonplace, a culture where learning is part of everyday work. Marcia Conner and Steve LeBlanc look at where social learning thrives.
Genius Jumpstart
Interested in a little creative jumpstart? This video provides the extraordinary history of British science, with commentary from Britain’s greatest living scientists: Stephen Hawking, Richard Dawkins and James Dyson. Britain may only be a small island, but people there are
Mutual Adjustments as Sharing Arrangements
Harlan Cleveland (1918-2008) had more insight decades ago into how to work in the distributed social world than most leaders have today. In this early draft of a chapter we wrote together for Creating a Learning Culture (Cambridge, 2004), he
Meet A. Human Asset
I have a dirty little secret I need to share. I wasn’t always a Human Asset. I didn’t always think about my hiring bonus, my yearly bonus, my variable pay, my stock options, my gym membership, my personal concierge, my