Interested in a little creative jumpstart? This video provides the extraordinary history of British science, with commentary from Britain’s greatest living scientists: Stephen Hawking, Richard Dawkins and James Dyson. Britain may only be a small island, but people there are
Mutual Adjustments as Sharing Arrangements
Harlan Cleveland (1918-2008) had more insight decades ago into how to work in the distributed social world than most leaders have today. In this early draft of a chapter we wrote together for Creating a Learning Culture (Cambridge, 2004), he
Pesto Chango
Think Enterprise 2.0 is worlds away from a good pesto. Think again.
Meet A. Human Asset
I have a dirty little secret I need to share. I wasn’t always a Human Asset. I didn’t always think about my hiring bonus, my yearly bonus, my variable pay, my stock options, my gym membership, my personal concierge, my
What does collaboration mean to you?
Buzzword bingo has a new term: Collaboration. For some it means adding your two cents to a meeting agenda. For other it means providing a foothold and working together to climb high and see wide. If we are to collaborate
What’s the world need?
On the end of my first day with the Altimeter Group team I heard what feels like the perfect quotation to express how I feel: alive. Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go
The Next New Thing: Altimeter Group
Today I take off on an exciting journey, to join the thought leaders and star analysts at Altimeter Group, as a partner focused on enterprise 2.0, collaborative culture, and how organizations can learn nonstop. As writing my third book, The