Complete the following questionnaire to identify how to prefer to engage with people when you learn. Compare the two side-by-side responses and circle the statement that applies to you right now. Count the number of circled items and write your total at the bottom of each column.
I like a holistic approach.I make decisions quickly.I take on several parts of a project at once.I’m comfortable even when I’m uncertain of the conclusion.People say I’m quick to take action.I don’t need to know everything about a project before getting started.
I’m quick to give an answer. I tend to start projects without too much planning. |
I like a logical approach.I take time to reflect on my options.I finish one thing before starting another.I like to know there is a logical conclusion.People say I’m slow to take action.I like to know the details before I start.
I like going point-by-point. I tend to keep everything organized in an orderly fashion. |
Total Talk to Think: | Total Think to Talk: |
The column with the highest total represents your engagement style.
My engagement style:
If you are a talk-to-think learner, you will likely talk while learning. You might like to sound out ideas and say what’s on your mind. Because you rely on other people’s responses, you may prefer to work in a group or on a team. Sometimes you might hear yourself talking over people’s conversations if they speak slowly or you may find yourself filling in the gaps between their comments.
If you’re a think-to-talk learner, you probably dare say something before you’ve thought it well through. You might need some additional quiet time formulating a response to what you’ve heard. You may prefer to work alone or in a pair and might want to take your time when facing a challenging situation. You may find it tough to work in noisy environments with other activities going on.
(c) Marcia L. Conner, 1993-2013. All rights reserved.
More information on each style, along with suggestions on how to maximize your learning potential, is available in the book Learn More Now (Hoboken, NJ; John Wiley & Sons, 2004). Learn about the book and read an excerpt at
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Assessments: Learning Style | Motivation Style | Direction Style | Engagement Style | Learning Culture Audit