Sense-making, social intelligence, novel & adaptive thinking, cross-cultural competency, computational thinking, new-media literacy, transdisciplarity, design mindset, cognitive load management, virtual collaboration.
These are the 10 skills needed for the future workforce. For a full report, see the work done by the Institute for the Future with Apollo Group looking at the Skills Needed by 2020 (also available on the IFTF website). A summary map is also available.
The related, Shape of Jobs to Come: Possible New Careers Emerging from Advances in Science and Technology (2010 – 2030) full study from FastFuture is also very insightful (summary of study). I wonder, though, how long it will be until we no longer see the first new shape, “Body Parts Maker,” as a bit funny and out of this world.
Note: last time I checked, the FastFuture website had exceeded its bandwidth limit. I was able to find the Shape of Jobs to Come research on another site.
Thanks to Josep Comas for pointing me to these resources.
[Last updated November 6, 2013.]